Imports and exports

Vento templates not only render content but also can export other things like variables and functions. The API is very similar to Emacscript modules, using the import and export tags.


The export tag allows to export a variable or function under a name. For example, to export a variable:

{{ export message = "Hello, world!" }}

Use pipes to transform the value:

{{ export message = "Hello, world!" |> toUpperCase }}

The exported variable is also available in the current template:

{{ export message = "Hello, world!" }}

{{ message }}

Block mode

It's also possible to export a block using {{ export }} and {{ /export }} tags.

{{ export message }}
  Hello, world!
{{ /export }}

Block mode supports pipes too:

{{ export message |> toUpperCase }}
  Hello, world!
{{ /export }}


To export a function, just include the function keyword after export:

{{ export function message (name) }}
  Hello, {{ name }}!
{{ /export }}

Like with variables, the exported functions are also available in the template:

{{ export function message (name) }}
  Hello, {{ name }}!
{{ /export }}

{{ message("world") }}


Use the tag import to get the variables and functions exported by other templates. For example, to import and use a variable:

{{ import { message } from "./vars.vto" }}

{{ message }}

Or a function:

{{ import { message } from "./functions.vto" }}

{{ message() }}

The imported variables are specified between curly brackets (For example { message }). You can import all elements from a template by omitting the brackets.

{{ import fns from "./functions.vto" }}

{{ fns.message() }}