
Functions are similar to JavaScript functions and allow you to define reusable chunks of content.

{{ function hello }}
  Hello, world!
{{ /function }}

{{ hello() }}

You can specify arguments to the function just like in JavaScript:

{{ function hello(name = "world") }}
  Hello, {{ name }}!
{{ /function }}

{{ hello() }}

{{ hello("Vento") }}

Like in JavaScript, Vento functions can access to scoped variables of the template, even if they are not passed to the function:

{{ set name = "world" }}

{{ function hello }}
  Hello, {{ name }}!
{{ /function }}

{{ hello() }}

Async functions

Use the async keyword to create asynchronous functions.

{{ async function hello }}
  {{ await Promise.resolve("Hello, world!") }}
{{ /function }}

{{ await hello() }}

Importing/exporting functions

See Imports and exports to learn how to import and export functions from other templates.