Auto Trim

By default, Vento doesn't automatically try to trim the whitespace from around tags. Using the autoTrim plugin, you can enable this behavior.


autoTrim comes included with Vento, so you don't need to install any additional packages. Simply import it and use it in your instance.

import autoTrim from "vento/plugins/auto_trim.ts";
// import autoTrim from "ventojs/plugins/auto_trim.js";


By default, the tags that are trimmed are: set, if, else, for, function, async, export, import, comments and JavaScript.

If you want to add or remove tags from the list, you can pass an array of tags to the plugin.

import autoTrim, { defaultTags } from "vento/plugins/auto_trim.ts";
// import autoTrim, { defaultTags } from "ventojs/plugins/auto_trim.js";

  tags: ["tag", ...defaultTags],

If enabled, any of the listed tags will be trimmed away, as if it didn't exist in the markup. It respects newlines, so it only snips out the tag, while preserving your markup.

For example,

{{ if true }}
  Hello, {{ name }}!
  {{ set variable = 10 }}
{{ /if }}

Will be rendered as:

Hello, Name!

Instead of the following:

Hello, Name!